Soka Gakkai Official Sites
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Related Links
- Toda Institute for Global Peace Policy and Research
The Toda Institute honors the life and work of Josei Toda, the second
president of Soka Gakkai International (The Society for Value
- The Gosho
The writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Nichiren taught that the title of
the Lotus Sutra (Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) contains the essence of Buddhist teachings.
- Boston Research Center for the 21st Century
The Boston Research Center for the 21st Century is an international
peace institute envisioning a worldwide network of global citizens
developing cultures of peace through dialogue and understanding.
- Soka University of America
The mission of Soka University is to foster a steady stream of global
citizens committed to living a contributive life.
- Soka University of Japan
To be the highest seat of learning for humanistic education. To be
the cradle of a new culture. To be a fortress for the peace of
- Victory Over Violence
The Victory Over Violence (VOV) program is sponsored by SGI-USA youth
to identify violent behaviors and find better solutions.
- Children's Rights and Realities
Presents children's issues as they relate to Community and Homelessness,
Education and Child Labor, Health and Nutrition, Environment,
Violence and War.
- Nichiren Buddhism Library
Lots of English translations of important texts.